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7 Ways to Get into the Christmas Spirit

Christmas is starting earlier every year, it seems, with Christmas items placed on store shelves the day after Halloween. Getting into the spirit isn’t easy for everyone. The season is much less painful, however, if you don’t find yourself feeling particularly grinchy. The following are some tips for getting in touch with a love of Christmas.


1-Best Christmas Memories

Walk through a mall decked out in seasonal décor and try to recall your happiest memories of Christmas, whether they occurred in childhood or in later years. What Christmas-y things spark those warm feelings? Could it be sugar cookies, the aroma and taste of wassail, fun Christmas stockings, live Christmas trees, elaborate lighting, or beautifully wrapped presents? Dwell on it for a while. Once you figure out what brings out the best in the season for you, surround yourself with it.


2-Go Christmas Shopping

Make a list of the people you want to buy for, and go shopping! Try to find something special that each individual will truly appreciate. There is a lot of joy in giving, especially when you know in your heart you’ve purchased the perfect gift.


3-Throw a Christmas Party

If you have a bunch of friends or relatives you’d love to have over for Christmas, throw a Christmas party! Have fun planning all the details. Ask everyone to bring a “white elephant” gift, which is a present brought for the purpose of participating in a semi-competitive gift exchange. Set minimum and maximum amounts to spend, so that everyone ends up with a good gift (though at least one person always seems to get the short end of the stick). Play music at the party, as well. Serve seasonal drinks and great food or ask everyone to bring a dish plus beverages, so it’s not all your responsibility.


4-Listen to Christmas Music

Instead of complaining about Christmas music being played to soon, listen to your favorite Christmas tunes. Think back to other times when you had favorite songs of the season. Put them on your playlist and enjoy getting into the spirit.


5-Buy an Ugly Christmas Sweater

A fairly new and very fun Christmas tradition is to get the ugliest Christmas sweater you can find and wear it at get-togethers. Even better, create your own ugly sweater. Ugly sweater contests are always a lot of fun, and it’s all about keeping the season light and fun. You might want to get this ugly sweater hoodie, to be a little different. This sweatshirt with Santa is also a possible winner.


6-Refuse to Give in to Pressure

The pressure to overspend can be pretty intense. A lot of people give in and lose no sleep over it. Do what is best for your peace of mind. If you don’t have room in your budget for elaborate gifts, spend extra time putting sentimentality into every present you give. Maybe you have the funds but don’t believe in over-doing in the gift-giving department. Just don’t be a Scrooge. Capitalize on the meaning instead of the cost, especially if that’s what it will probably take for you to enjoy the season.


7-Make it a Happy Christmas!

With a little determination and focus, Christmas can bring a lot of joy, even if that seems highly unlikely. It’s the best season to witness great acts of generosity and kindness. It’s even better when you get in on some of that yourself. Giving to the people who need it most is probably the best way to get into the true meaning of Christmas.




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