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If you like being generous during the holidays but your budget won’t cooperate, Christmas can become a major crapfest. This is especially true for grandparents, who love giving grandkids the best gifts. Something must be done, to fix the problem. The following are some strategies for giving at Christmastime on a painfully tight budget.
Have you been a hard worker for years and yet haven’t received deserved promotions or raises? It could be because you fell for the lie that all you have to do to get ahead is to keep your head down and do great work on a consistent basis. As you may already know, hard work alone rarely works. There is another untold element that must be part of the mix.
Halloween costumes are being planned and candy is being purchased as the night of horror approaches. When you know all the facts, it’s easy to see that the true terrors of the season aren’t on movie screens. The scariest parts of Halloween happen in our own homes and neighborhoods. Check out the following Halloween dangers for the entire family that many people overlook.
In the south, at least, the hottest summer ever lasted all the way until October 15, and then suddenly it went directly into a winter weather pattern. There is daily rain and cold in the current 10-day forecast. Never mind that I’ve been waiting to go walking on scenic hiking trails on cool autumn days. The biggest problem now is that the dog does not like to walk on wet sidewalks, much less in wet grass. Good thing I trained him to use those puppy training pads, for when he won’t relieve himself outside. The following are more good ideas for what to do with your dog on rainy days.
ompletely unprepared for all that being a mom entailed, there was one thing I knew for certain in the early days: Much about parenting is disgustingly gross and, literally, full of crap. As sort of a civic duty, I will delve into difficult memories of those baby years and reveal five of the many gross things about parenting.
No season causes me to have as much confusion and nausea as fall. After a suffocatingly hot summer, it seems only natural that I would cheer when the air stops burning my lungs. But with the cool air comes other things, things that sicken me and cause me to want to put a clothespin on my nose and walk around with a blindfold. Join me, fellow autumn haters, in rehearsing why fall is the worst.