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Science proves that there are numerous benefits to owning a dog. They can undeniably be a best friend, and their devotion is second to none. Still, there are many things about owning dogs that can turn a day into total crap.
Vacations can be great but they can also be complete nightmares. If you have been contemplating foreign travel, the warnings below can help you divert trouble.
Summer is a time for kids to enjoy a break from school and for families to bond on family vacations, even those that go completely wrong. 
There are some great things about being dad, but there are also real challenges to having kids. Dads have secret struggles that happen on a very deep level. 
There are so many crappy things that happen in an office job, it’s unbelievable. Everyone knows there’s nothing worse than having a horrible boss.
Summer is quickly approaching, and I dread every invitation to go boating. Family members and my best friends I still hang out with since high school all love boating in various forms.